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National Association of Presidential Assistants in Higher Education

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NAPAHE2024 Conference Sponsorship Special Offer

Dear NAPAHE2024 Conference Attendees,

It's not too late!

As we get ready to come together for another NAPAHE conference, please consider an institutional sponsorship. You have likely noticed that our membership and conference fees are lower than many others across higher education. The fact is that NAPAHE benefits from the great support of our sponsors to keep these rates low. 

In this light, I invite your institution to join us as a sponsor of NAPAHE. What's in it for you and your institution? A VERY SPECIAL OFFER. While sponsorships start at just $500 (NAPAHE level) and provide visibility for your college/university logo at the conference and all year long on our webpage, this year we are pleased to provide all institutions who sponsor NAPAHE at the $1000 (Bronze) level with 10% off your next institutional renewal! This is in addition to your verbal recognition and the introduction of your institution's participants during the conference.

Please visit the NAPAHE sponsorship website here for additional information or to sign up as a sponsor. Please join me in celebrating the good work of all those who support higher education's leaders.


Heather M. Fehn
VP & Chief of Staff
The College of New Jersey
NAPAHE Silver Sponsor 2024

December 2023 Newsletter

Click here to read the December 2023 edition, featuring a holiday message from the executive director, information about the upcoming annual conference, free professional development opportunities, and more.

Election of 2024-2025 NAPAHE Officers

Dear Members,

In accordance with NAPAHE’s Bylaws, Article IV, Section 2., which states, “…The slate of officers shall be prepared and publicized six (6) weeks in advance of the annual meeting and formally voted on at the annual meeting of the association’s Board of Directors,” the Nominating Committee, with the consent of the NAPAHE Board of Directors, recommends the following slate of officers be approved for 2024-2025:

Chair: Michael Sass
Chief of Staff
University of Health Sciences & Pharmacy in St. Louis (MO)

Chair-Elect: Rolanda Burney
Chief of Staff - Office of the Chancellor
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Secretary: Melissa Maszczak
Senior Fellow and Director, Center for Leadership and Governance
Thomas Edison State University (NJ)

Treasurer: Lynette Arner
Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Agricultural Administration and Dean
The Ohio State University

Past-Chair: Michael Johnson
Chief of Staff
University of Houston (TX)

Election will take place during the annual meeting.


Respectfully Submitted,

Larisa Pfeiffer
Chair, NAPAHE Nominating Committee

Chief of Staff
College of Southern Maryland