By-Laws Revisions Approved at January 2025 Annual Business Meeting
During the January 25, 2025, Annual Business Meeting, held at the Marriott Marquis in Washington, D.C., NAPAHE's membership approved a slate of seven (7) by-laws revision, as follows:
MOVED, that by the recommendation of the Executive Committee and the endorsement of the Board of Directors, the NAPAHE membership approve the slate of amendments to the By-Laws for the Corporation as presented.
More details can be found on pages 12-15 of the annual meeting materials, found here. These amendments passed without objection.
What does this mean for NAPAHE members?
- Amendment 1 corrects Article III, Section 1.b. to align with the changes that were approved by the Membership at the 1/20/2024 Annual Meeting (click here for details). This amendment matches the language included in Article IV, Section 2. regarding the Number and Qualifications of Board Directors.
- Amendment 2 updates Article IV, Section 2. to omit the consideration of the number of years served as a Presidential Assistant as prerequisite for serving as the Chair-Elect and Chairperson of the Board. This amendment aligns the By-Laws with current practice and with the changes that were approved by the Membership at the 1/20/2024 Annual Meeting.
- Amendment 3 corrects Article V. Section 7. to clarify that the Chair of the Board of Directors is a voting member, rather than a non-voting ex officio member, of the Executive Committee, in alignment with the powers and duties commonly performed by the Chair of a Board of Directors. This is reflected in the existing text of Article VI. Section 2. which outlines the powers and duties of the Executive Committee.
- Amendments 4-7 correct the document structure, section numbering, grammar, syntax, and punctuation for these By-Laws. No substantive changes to the content or spirit of the By-Laws are proposed in these amendments. Details for these amendments can be found in the meeting materials, linked above.
Up-to-date by-laws for NAPAHE can be reviewed and downloaded by members (login required) at We would like to thank our membership for their endorsement of this revision. Any questions can be directed to