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National Association of Presidential Assistants in Higher Education

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NAPAHE2025 Conference Announcement Coming May 10

Stay tuned for a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT on Friday, May 10 about NAPAHE's 38th Annual National Conference and Business Meeting. We are so excited to officially share dates, location, and other details about our 2025 conference. Stay tuned!

Administrative Professionals Day: A Message from the Executive Director

Administrative Professionals Day: You Deserve to be celebrated

Prior to working with NAPAHE, I was fortunate to work in the president's office at a university in southeastern Wisconsin. Each year during the last full week of April, the president I served would wish me a happy "Administrative Professionals Day" and thank me for all that I did for the university. She would always caveat the greeting by acknowledging that "administrative professional" hardly lived up to the work that I actually accomplished on a day-to-day basis, but thought that it was an opportunity to show her gratitude anyway.

The fact of the matter is that the work administrative professionals carry out on college and university campuses is essential to the success of the institution, greater than any one day or one week could fully recognize. 

NAPAHE is a collection of 850+ administrative professionals who work in the roles of presidential assistants, provost's and dean's assistants, chiefs of staff, assistants to vice presidents, board secretaries, and many others. Our association exists by and for administrative professionals. Many of our members carry out their work silently and without a desire for recognition. But I have something to share with you... you deserve to be celebrated!

With that, I wish all of our members a Happy Administrative Professionals Day on April 24, 2024. Thank you for all that you do for your institutions, communities, the higher education industry, and of course for NAPAHE. If there is anything we can do to support you in your role, please reach out at any time.

Warm regards,

Stuart J. Schmidt
Executive Director

April 2024 Newsletter

Click Here to read the April 2024 edition, featuring a message from the ED, upcoming programming, a featured member, and Fun Five Fictional Assistants.